Georgic: Food Co-op… CONTINUED!
|Diglot Babes
|Audile: Rain on Union Street
|Listen to the sounds…..
Rete: View from the Q train
|Typhlology Fear of Tunnels
Nosogeography: Floating down the Gowanus Canal on Earth Day
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1akWAE0J8cAbecedarium:NYC co-director Lynne Sachs floats down the Gowanus Canal with environmental visionary Ludger Balan, head of the Urban Divers Estuary Conservancy on Earth Day, April 21, 2008. Ludger talks about the impact of the Gowanus waters on our community in terms of the chemical presence in our ecosystem. It’s scary to think about and exciting to know there are people like this who are trying to change the environmental status quo.
For more info on the Urban Divers: www.urbandivers.org
Pelagic and Welkin: “Stepping on the beach, do-do-do-do!”
|Says the famous Spongebob Squarepants. Going to the beach, when it’s not crowded, is a fun thing to do. Everyone should try it. But you’re at a risk of getting strep throat or some sort of sickness. It happens every time, on the days when it’s not crowded (November-February). Anyways, I took these photos at Coney Island, so enjoy. I think they’re very pretty.
by Maya