THREE BROTHERS all at once: Holus Bolus by Matthew Kotzin

BY | Posted on | FILED UNDER Categories Holus Bolus, Manhattan

The Alfred-Louis by Matthew KotzinThe Alfred-Louis by Matthew KotzinThe Alfred-Louis by Matthew KotzinThe Alfred-Louis by Matthew KotzinThe Alfred-Louis by Matthew KotzinThe Alfred-Louis by Matthew Kotzin

This a portrait of my three friends Lou, Blake and Xavier, who also happen to be roommates.

However, instead of focusing on each individual’s portrait, in THREE BROTHERS I explore to what extent my perception of each individual is an entity that would be incomplete without reference to the others.

All three tell of adventures either true or fictitious: Holus Bolus.

1 thought on “THREE BROTHERS all at once: Holus Bolus by Matthew Kotzin”

  1. This HOLUS BOLUS cine mediation is a perfect distillation of Robert Longo-esque graphic design impulses fused with a purely cinematic love of parallel story telling. The three fellows who stand here are distinct but also very much a simultaneous expression of their generation and the zietgeist in which we all live. I was enthralled by the quality of their being, the fact that they all seemed like such nice people (now ego-less) who didn’t mind becoming a part of a conceptual art piece that sculpted a composite male, American 20 year old. A fantastically simple yet every so astute work.

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